Why do we choose to suffer voluntarily? Why do we choose family life, a monk's cell or a blood-drenched battlefield? These essays on voluntary suffering took Dutch poet and journalist Ruud Linssen more than 2 years to complete. Linssen herein links personal observations with historical and literary examples.
As this book is also a type specimen of the typeface Fakir, it is set in this blackletter. And to stress the suffering: this book is printed in the author's blood.
author Ruud Linssen
size 135 x 210 mm
pages 96
cover cattle burned hard cover
extras cd-rom with 11 Fakir fonts for testing
printing in the author's blood
concept & design Underware
ISBN 978-90-76984-09-4
published 18 July 2010 by Underware
edition 2000, hand numbered
language English
price € 24.50