25.04.05Lecture at the TDCDAY Tokyo, Japan.
04.05Sensorium Motorium a solo exhibition by Underware at Print Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
04.04Flux, a paradimensional typeface at the Tokyo TDC exhibition at the ggg galery, Tokyo, Japan.
24.12.24Flux, a paradimensional typeface at the won the Tokyo TDC Price 2025 .
11.05Lecture ABC’tje at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
07.27Lecture Ars Scribendi Intermedium at TypeCon, Portland, USA.
06.061 day workshop Choco Fonts at Hochschule PF, Pforzheim, Germany.
06.05Lecture Rückwärtsleufen & Vorwärtsschreiben at Hochschule PF, Pforzheim, Germany.
05.17First auditive performance of the Oneword language at Sounds from the East festival, Amsterdam.
23.11.22Lecture Vorwärts schreiben, rückwärts schauen at Merz Akademie, Stuttgart, Germany.
11.18Lecture Look backward, write forward at Dynamic Font Day 2023, Munich, Germany.
11.15Lecture The coding hand, encoding the hand at Fonts and Faces #10 — This is not the Hand, Campus Fonderie de l'Image, Bagnolet, France.
11.08Lecture Underware in motion at HEAD, Geneva, Switzerland.
11.065-day typeworkshop Signature moves at HEAD, Geneva, Switzerland.
10.13Lecture Is it U+2047? at Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel HGK, Basel, Switzerland.
10.11Lecture Deep Writing at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zürich, Switzerland.
10.09Lecture From Chirography to Grammatography at Formats Festival, Strassbourg, France.
10.05Two day workshop Beyond Unicode at Atelier national de recherche typographique, Nancy France.
10.05Lecture Beyond Unicode at Atelier national de recherche typographique, Nancy France. watch video
06.15Typecrit at Type Paris, Paris, France.
05.23Launch of Scribomat, platform for artificial writing. read more
05.10Lecture In retrospect: Scribo, ergo sum, at TypoCafé by Plantin Instituut voor Typografie, Antwerp, Belgium.
05.09Lecture Scribo, ergo sum at ATypI Paris, Paris, France. watch video
05.03New font: Scribo, the most intelligent handwriting font we can imagine. read more
04.01New publication: Why doesn’t anyone ever tell me anything?
03.02External jury at L’École supérieure d’art et de design, Amiens, France
22.11.25Limited edition: Plakato stencil set deluxe.
10.15Lecture Rule of Three at the Inscript Experimental Type Festival (12 — 16.10).
10.13Lecture How fonts are made today at Admind webinar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
08.30New publication: Plakato stencil set.
08.05Lecture Writing the Mark at Laws Of Form Conference 2022, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
08.05Lecture The impossibility of chance at We Love Books by Zefir & BNO, Den Haag.
07.15New font: Plakato Moiré, new possibilities with COLRv1.
07.07Lecture Inside the Letter at ICTVC 8, Thessaloniki, Greece.
07.06New font: Plakato One Two, new possibilities with COLRv1.
06.07Workshop Abstract Beyond Concept with Boston University.
04.21Lecture How to get there? at Designing Tomorrow Today.
04.19Lecture Darwin, Robert, Noach & adaptieve typografie at the Academie voor Technologie en Design, Den Bosch, the Netherlands.
03.10Release: Homo Scriptus — collection Printemps de la Typografie 2022. 33 unique models available as NFTs on Opensea.
03.10Lecture Homo Scriptus (The Paris Triptych III) at Printemps de la Typographie, École Estienne, Paris, France.
01.19New publication: Manicule specimen.
21.12.03New font: Plakato released. read more
12.03Plakato Play Compendium released, 26 possibilities for dynamic type.
12.03New case-study: The dynamification of typography.
11.10Short lecture Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt at The Unalphabet, hosted by Frascati, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
11.08Workshop Show them the way at Sint-Lucas School of Arts, Ghent, Belgium.
08.20Lecture History will change at Graphic Matters, Breda, the Netherlands.
08.183-day workshop BAM BAM BAM at Graphic Matters, Breda, the Netherlands.
05.12Workshop at the HS Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
05.12Lecture Wahrheit ist die Erfindung eines Lügners at the HS Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
03.03Lecture Letters kijken at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
01.26Lecture Getting an idea for a good idea at Practica Program.
20.11.11Lecture The Pen (EN) (The Pen Triptych I) at Tipografía México Monterrey, Mexico.
09.25Lecture Designing B at ATypI 2020 all over. watch video
09.25Lecture Grammatography FTW, a 15-minute introduction to grammatography, at the typewknd conference. watch video
06.22Grammatography at the Tokyo TDC exhibition, Tokyo, Japan.
05.31Lecture Homo Scriptus (The Pen Triptych III) at the Typomania Festival Moscow, Russia. (postponed)
05.28Lecture The Wheel (The Pen Triptych II) at the Berlin Letters Berlin, Germany. (postponed)
04.17Lecture at the Kirjak Typography Conference Tallinn, Estonia. (postponed)
04.04Lecture at the TDC Tokyo Tokyo, Japan. (postponed)
03.12Lecture Logos. Typos. Grammatos. at the DesignSchule, Munich, Germany.
02.27Lecture The Pen (EN/FR) (The Paris Triptych II) at Printemps de la typographie, École Estienne, Paris, France.
03.02Y received the Certificate of Excellence in Type Design at the TDC New York 2020 awards.
19.12.09Workshop Welche Schrift? at the Merz Akademie Stuttgart, Germany.
11.24Grammatography won the Tokyo TDC Annual Award 2020 for Type Design.
11.08New publication: Into the Void.
11.08New website: thetailofthetale.com.
11.08Lecture Into the Void (Berlin Triptych III — final part) at Creativemornings Berlin, Germany. watch video
11.07Grammatography joins the Demo Festival Amsterdam.
10.03New publication: 26.
09.10Lecture Right To Write at Enokojima, Osaka, Japan.
09.08Lecture & session Page not Found at Book & Design Tokyo, Japan. read more
09.07From Typography to Grammatography talk at the Print Gallery Tokyo, Japan. read more
09.06Workshop and lecture Causal Writing at the Temple University, Tokyo, Japan. In collaboration with Ian Lynam.
09.06From Typography to Grammatography exhibition at the Print Gallery Tokyo, Japan. (from 06 — 08.09.2019) read more
06.19New publication: From Typography to Grammatography (PMS 307).
09.05Announcement Grammatography at ATypI Tokyo, Japan. watch video
07.03Lecture You never know where it will end, but you always know where it started at Elisava, Barcelona school of design and engineering, Barcelona, Spain
07.01Workshop The end of peninsularity at Elisava, Barcelona school of design and engineering, Barcelona, Spain
06.19New publication: From Typography to Grammatography (PMS 306).
06.20Lecture 96 = 18 at ICTVC 7, Patras, Greece
05.14Lecture & workshop Het einde van de logologische ruimte at the University of Applied Arts, Rotterdam
02.22Lecture La fin des caractères naturels (The Paris Triptych I) at Printemps de la typographie, École Estienne, Paris, France.
18.12.13Workshop The end of logical ideas at Luca School of Arts, Brussels, Belgium.
11.20Lecture Das A & O at the Klingspor Institute for Type Design, Offenbach, Germany.
11.19Workshop Das Ende der Selbsverständlichkeit I at the HFG Offenbach, Offenbach, Germany.
11.17Introduction of the world’s first Variable Fonts Plugin for After Effects.
11.17New publication: The end of self-evidence.
11.17Lecture 18 = 96 at Dynamic Font Day conference in Munich, Germany. watch video
09.15Lecture Hi Hoi at ATypI 2018 in Antwerp, Belgium. watch video
09.06Lecture Hoofdstuk 26, a speculative reflection for the presentation of Theory of Type Design by Gerard Unger in Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam. read more
08.09Lecture & round table discussion at Letterform Archive, San Francisco, USA. read more
08.07Lecture & round table discussion at Otis, Los Angeles, USA.
08.04Lecture Hoitech at Typecon 2018, Portland, USA. watch video
06.08Lecture Thoughts unsaid, then forgotten (18), Tag der Typografie at the Rheinmain University, Wiesbaden, Germany.
06.28New variable fonts: Duos In-N-Out and Duos Write.
05.19New website: very-able-fonts.com. Underware's playground for Variable Fonts.
05.19New composition: Varsonate für Gitarre & Letter. By Jacq Palinckx & Underware.
05.19Lecture The Tail of the Cat at Typo Berlin conference in Berlin, Germany. watch video
05.19New publication: The Tale of the Cat (Looking at language).
05.12Lecture Thoughts unsaid, then forgotten (73) at the All Eyes on Type Calligraphy & Typography Festival, Rotterdam
05.12New publication: Ten Commandments of Type, The Body of Type. Amen.
04.12Lecture Export Future (Berlin Triptych II) at TYPO Labs Konferenz in Berlin, Germany. watch video
04.12Introduction of Font Fiction. read more
04.12Introduction of Higher Order Interpolation. read more
04.12New publication: Font Fiction, a manifesto for future proof fonts.
02.05Workshop Now or never at Sint-Lucas School of Arts, Ghent, Belgium. read more
01.22New font: Duos Pro released. read more
01.18Lecture at Brekend!Beeld!, Kapitaal, Utrecht, the Netherlands
17.12.11Lecture Duos Carnival at Miami Ad School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
12.11Workshop Variable Wonder No.2 at Miami Ad School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
12.09Lecture Duos Carnival at DiaTipo São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
12.08Workshop Variable Wonder No.1 at DiaTipo São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
11.24Lecture AENOT S at Design-Zoom - Let's talk about artificial intelligence!, HAWK Hildesheim, Germany. watch video
11.23Lecture AENOT L at Exquisite Complexity, a seminar by Baruch Gottlieb at the UDK Berlin, Germany.
11.23Schryft was announced.
11.23ASCII TV joins exhibition Travelling letters at Vilnius Academy of Arts in Vilnius, Lithuania.
11.14Big Bang, a small essay by and about Typeradio was published at Integrated Antwerp, Belgium.
10.30Lecture The future is here, but we are not at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Poland.
10.30Workshop Towards an extended notion of type at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Poland.
10.11Lecture Die Zukunft ist hier. Wo sind wir? at the Hochschule Wismar, Wismar, Germany.
10.10Lecture Die Zukunft ist hier. Wir leider nicht. at the HAW Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
09.27Lecture Underware reads from a newspaper at Type Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. read more
09.19Lecture Enough is not Enough (version B) at Type Directors Club, New York, USA. watch video
09.19Lecture Enough is not Enough (version A) at CCS Detroit, USA.
09.19Workshop Stir it up II at CCS Detroit, USA.
09.18Lecture Up to now type designers were remembered by the fonts they designed. In the future they may above all be memorised by the ones which will arise later. at Type Nite, Baltimore, USA.
09.17Lecture Enough is not Enough at MICA Baltimore, USA.
09.17Workshop Stir it up I at MICA Baltimore, USA.
09.15Lecture Designing Duos – A Two Sided Story at ATypI 2017 Montréal, Canada. watch video
09.15Start of our Roller Coaster Tour 2017 across Canada & the USA.
08.24Lecture Z-files exposed at how to deal with... Raabs, Austria. Organized by the TGA.
06.30Introduction of ASCII TV.
06.29Introduction of Subpixel ASCII+ Art.
06.28Underware joins Type Network. read more
06.28New publication: Zeitung newspaper published. read more
06.27Introduction of Responsive ASCII.
06.26New font: Zeitung Mono Pro released. read more
06.09Lecture Every Thing is Type at the ISType conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
06.01Lecture Van A naar ᗚ at BNO Zwolle, Zwolle, the Netherlands.
05.25Lecture From A to ᗚ at the TYPO Berlin conference in Berlin, Germany. watch video
05.17Lecture Para onde vamos daqui? at Plug & Play, Porto, Portugal. extra, extra
04.07Lecture If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old (Berlin Triptych I) at the TYPO Labs Konferenz in Berlin, Germany. watch video
03.25Underware joined Instagram. What a milestone!
03.19Guest at monthly talkshow Fluisterende Olifanten, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
01.23Safari Typo exhibition at Musée des Arts Décoratifs, located in western wing of Palais du Louvre, Paris, France. read more
01.21New publication: Safari Typo Amsterdam, a typographic tourist guide.
01.20Safari Typo Amsterdam, an evening full of short documentaries about typography in public space. With Thomas Sipp, Piet Schreuders and book presentation by Bas Jacobs. Read more in Dutch or English, or watch the recording.
16.11.17New font: Zeitung Pro released.
08.06Lecture Type is Illusion at the Typetersburg conference in St. Petersburg, Russia.
06.24Lecture Searching for Polyglyphs at the 33pt conference in Cologne, Germany.
04.21Exhibition Travelling Letters in the lobby of Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, Vilnius, Lithuania.
05.02New font, new app: Liza Lettering™ released.
15.12.03Poster Love is stronger than hate published.
11.05Exhibition Travelling Letters at Vilnius Art Academy, Vilnius, Lithuania.
10.16Lecture Letters & the brain at the T85, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
10.03Lecture Letters & the brain at the We Love Graphic Design Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.
09.24Tripper stencil sets published.
03.20Lecture at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
02.27Webtypografie klinkt goed, maar ziet er niet uit published by De Buitenkant/Grrr – read more
02.23Lecture Webtypografie klinkt goed, maar ziet er niet uit at Beeldmakers seminar, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. read more
02.05Tripper Pro released, a set of rock-hard display fonts.
14.11.25Underware Latin Plus revealed, a character set which supports 200+ Latin languages.
07.01Release of Tripper Tricolor, a multi-colored, rock steady display font.
05.12Stockmann Sans, custom font family for Scandinavia’s largest department store.
05.24Last stop of our Wo-Wo Polski? Tour 2014: Lecture Occidental is dead. Now what? at TypoTage, Leipzig, Germany.
04.25I give you my word for it – 1-day type workshop at Prague College, School of Art & Design, Prague, the Czech Republic.
04.24Lecture The iceberg called type design at the Vilnius Academy of Arts in Vilnius, Lithuania.
04.24Lecture The iceberg called type design at Instituto Cervantes, Prague, the Czech Republic. watch video
04.23Lecture The iceberg called type design at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, the Czech Republic.
04.22Start of our “Wo-Wo Polski?” Tour 2014: “What’s up?” – 4-day type workshop at the Vilnius Academy of Arts in Vilnius, Lithuania.
02.14The very first Typo Therapy Session during FatFriday at Grrr, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
01.21Lecture at BNO Utrecht, the Netherlands. read/see more
13.10.23Ninety minutes of gallery play. Lecture on Dutch type design, at Templo, Rio de Janeiro. read more
10.22Two-day workshop during the Rio Design Week in Rio de Janeiro. read more
10.22A fireside evening about Bello and the Airbnb logotype with the Airbnb community of Rio de Janeiro.
06.24Sauna Mono Pro released. One size for all! read/see more
05.14Font upgrade of our complete library. read/see more
05.03Lecture Kerning is the new hinting at Kerning Conference, Faenza, Italy. watch video
04.22Workshop ‘26-x’ with students from Sint-Lucas, Ghent, Belgium. read/see more | PDF
02.18Lecture at Nijmeegs Ontwerp Platform. (and other presentations by Job Wouters, Gijs Frieling and Martin Majoor)
12.11.24Opening of the travelling exhibition Graphic Happiness in China at the Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, China. read/see more
10.27In confidence. A new typeradio series of 1 on 1 investigations will be launched at the Madfest in Deventer.
06.08One-day workshop at Nicholls State University, New Orleans, USA.
06.06One-day workshop ‘Keep it straight’ at the Type Directors Club of New York, USA.
06.05Lecture ‘Keep dreaming’ at the Type Directors Club of New York, USA.
06.05The custom typeface Mr Porter awarded with the TDC's Certificate of Excellence in Typeface Design at the TDC2 2012 awards.
06.02Our Tour Du Champagne goes to the US. One-day workshop, followed by a lecture at AIGA West Michigan. see more
05.26Lecture 'Everything that can happen in a day' at BITSMM, Alliance Française de Bangkok.
05.22More champagne during our Lecture at the Cap&Design Live event in Göteborg, Sweden.
05.21More champagne during our Lecture at the Cap&Design Live event in Stockholm, Sweden.
05.18Our Tour Du Champagne continues with a Lecture in Hongkong. More details to be announced.
04.01Lecture at TDC Tokyo, because the custom typeface Mr Porter won the Tokyo TDC Annual Award 2012.
03.19Three day workshop ‘What a wonderful world’ at Ulster Festival, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
11.10.28Lecture at 2nd Bangkok International Typography Symposium.
09.02Typeradio presents the Now we are talking Festival at the beach of Scheveningen, Den Haag, the Netherlands.
06.19Lecture 'Carry-on' at TypeTalks, Poznań, Poland.
03.09Lecture 'Suffering is learning' at CPH:Typo*11, Copenhagen, Denmark.
02.28underware.nl: launched new website.
02.22Intelligent handwriting custom typeface for Mr Porter. read/see more
01.04Lecture at HKU Utrecht, faculty Art, Media & Technology, Hilversum, the Netherlands.
10.11.19Lecture Beyond the words at the one-day conference Conceptual Type — Type led by ideas, Copenhagen, Denmark. read/see more
11.19The Bello-Eats-Liza-Fakir-Auto-Sauna-Tornado lecture, University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland. read/see more
11.18Lecture BNO Tallks 6, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. read/see more
11.18Lecture at Next(con)text in Aalto University, Helsinki. read/see more
11.13Make the Ego Bigger II; workshop & lecture at Grafia, Helsinki, Finland
10.21Participation at the Belvedere, Visual Magazine + Art Book Festival, Rome, Italy.
09.301 day seminar at ADC*Estonia, Tallin.
09.09Lecture ‘Let’s suffer together’ at ATypI 2010 in Dublin. read/see more
07.18Underware published Book of war, mortification and love by Ruud Linssen. Printed with the author’s blood.
06.19Lecture at the International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication in Nicosia, Cyprus.
06.17Opening of the Travelling Letters exhibition at the Lahti Art Museum, Lahti, Finland.
05.31Workshop Super speed date in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. read/see more
05.20Dark-talk Berlin, Germany. With Alessio Leonardi, Erik Spiekermann & Vincent van Baar.
05.18Dark-talk Shanghai at the Dutch Cultural Center, Shanghai, China with Yong.
05.18Workshop Chatography in Shanghai, China. read/see more
05.17Lecture at Raffles, Shanghai, China.
05.08Participation at the poster project of the Graphic Design Festival Breda 2010.
04.16Lecture Why D-I-Y if you can D-I-T? at the OK Festival, Arnhem, the Netherlands. view flyer
04.15Opening of the Muotoilijat ’10 exhibition at the Finnish Norwegian Culture Institute in Oslo, Norway. read/see more
03.03Lecture "Je gaat het pas zien als je het doorhebt" at the Adobe User Group Meeting in Amsterdam. read more / video
02.11Why do you say ‘yes’ if you mean ‘no’? The shilly-shally Oscillator poster published.
02.10The Oscars of Type by Ellen Lupton, nominates Liza Pro as Best Actress of the Year 2009. read/see more
01.25Workshop Ready Steady Go in Brussels, Belgium.
01.15Muotoilijat ’10 - Finnish Designer Awards exhibition in Helsinki, presenting our beauty queens. read/see more
01.06Liza Pro credited as Brush Script of the Year 2009 by MyFonts. read/see more
09.11.03Underware published Iiris Vispilä, a photo comic book by Ulrika Ylioja and Sami Kortemäki.
10.22Lecture at ESAD in Amiens, France.
10.21Workshop The stroke - 3D in Amiens, France.
10.09Workshop What You See Is Not What You Get in Arnhem, the Netherlands.
10.05Underware exhibited in Lithuania. Travelling Letters, gallery Academija, Pilies str. 44, Vilnius, Lithuania.
09.08We have our own beauty queen: Sami Kortemäki announced as Finland’s Graphic Designer of the Year 2010. read/see more
07.09Lecture Lettres d’amour at Jornadas, Barcelona, Spain.
07.01Liza Pro released. Lettres d’amour. Erotique maximale. A new type family. Finally available.
05.18400th episode published on Typeradio. Listen now.
01.01Underware designs the new MyFonts logotype.
08.12.07Dark-talk Den Haag, the Netherlands. With Max Bruinsma & Thomas Castro.
11.01New publication: Dolly’s party
10.08The Fakir 7 inch was released at the Morlock gallery, Den Haag. read/see more
10.08Typeradio was nominated for the Dutch Design prize.
10.07Workshop Go with the flow #3 in Arnhem, the Netherlands.
09.30Workshop Go with the flow #2 in Trondheim, Norway. read/see more
09.28Workshop Go with the flow #1 in Bergen, Norway. read/see more
09.27Lecture at Grafill, Bergen, Norway.
09.26Lecture Dolly wants to party at Typographical Friday, Stockholm, Sweden. read/see more
09.03Lecture at UIAH, Helsinki, Finland.
06.30Workshop Darkmark in Los Angeles, USA. read/see more
06.14Lecture Hardcore versus Proto at the 23rd Forum Typographie. read/see more
06.13Metropolis poster published.
04.14Workshop Speed date wedding in Bratislava, Slovakia. First experiment in visual speed dating. read/see more
04.01Rock with Fakir introduced to the public.
03.13Workshop Dog versus god in Pforzheim, Germany. read/see more
07.10.31Underware designs the new Daimler AG logo, for Schindler Parent Identity
10.22Workshop Zigzag Zombie during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. read/see more
10.14300th episode published on Typeradio. Listen now.
10.13Lecture at the HKB - Hochschule der Künste Bern, Switzerland.
10.12Workshop Elementarteilchen at the HKB - Hochschule der Künste Bern Switzerland. read/see more
09.26Typeradio at AGI year meeting unknown land.
06.22Opening Scala, Bembo, Times und Dolly (about the beauty of type specimens) at the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
06.21Lecture at the 3rd international conference on typography and visual communication in Thessaloniki, Greece.
06.08Workshop Private type at the 9th. Tage der Typografie, Germany. read/see more
05.30Underware’s Custom Type Department opens its doors.
05.29The associative ping pong session. Lecture in cooperation with Baselab at Ligaduras, Barcelona, Spain.
05.16Typeradio Sweet 16 - a 16 hours non stop radio show from Berlin, Germany.
05.11Lecture at Visuelt, a conference organized by Grafill in Oslo, Norway.
05.07Lecture at the Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg. read/see more
03.21Typeradio at Imagine iT, Accademia di Belle Arte in Bologna, Italy.
03.14Lecture at MG School, in Helsinki, Finland.
03.02Lecture at Typografie ontleed(t), a mini type event organized by the BNO in Leiden , NL. read/see more
02.05Fakir received the Certificate of Excellence in Type Design at the TDC2 2007 awards.
01.27Typeradio at Default #1, Vienna, Austria.
06.12.19New search engine of Typeradio released, revealing hours of audio content.
11.16Typeradio at Crossing Border, Den Haag, the Netherlands.
10.05Lecture at Raw Type, New York, USA.
10.04Lecture at BTK FH, Berlin, Germany.
09.27Typeradio at ATypI 2006, Lisbon, Portugal, Helsinki.
05.29Lecture at the Eindhovense School, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
05.19Fakir, a blackletter with a holy kiss was released. read/see more
05.19Is Not take-away #1 released, in cooperation with Is Not magazine.
05.19Lecture at Typo Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
04.25Lecture at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium.
04.03Workshop Silent Judo battle, part 2 at the Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Porto, Portugal. read/see more
04.03Exhibition A ilusão dos Underware and lecture at the Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Porto, Portugal.
03.27Workshop Silent Judo battle, part 1 at the University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, Austria. read/see more
01.19Typeradio - The Show at TypoForum 33pt, Dortmund, Germany.
05.12.02Workshop Good times at the Beyond media festival 05, Florence, Italie. read/see more
11.29Typeradio just published the 200th episode. hear more
11.08Workshop Lost and found at the British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia. read/see more
09.24Lecture at Backstage #1, organised by Museum De Beyerd, Breda, the Netherlands.
09.15Typeradio on air, 4 days live from Helsinki. hear more
09.02Exhibition in the Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam.
07.21Participation in the exhibition CMYK in Barcelona.
07.20Typeradio on air, 4 days live from New York. hear more
07.15Participation in the exhibtion Alphabet in Baltimore. read more
05.14A typo-day event at the school of Finnish graphic designers’ association, Helsinki, Finland.
05.12Lecture at the annual SNDS conference, Helsinki, Finland.
04.28One day workshop Moveable type at the Facelifters, Genk, Belgium. read/see more
03.18Workshop Two for all at the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA. read/see more
02.28Workshop Automotive at the Hogeschool Sint Lukas, Brussels, Belgium. read/see more
02.24Lecture at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Arnhem, Netherlands.
02.21Auto and Bello received the Certificate of Excellence in Type Design at the TDC2 2005 awards.
01.24Workshop Manual pixelsm at the Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. read/see more and more
01.14Workshop Second ICH at the Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, Germany. read/see more
04.12.15Bello, trust the brush. A script typeface with automatic ligatures was released. read/see more
10.06Lecture at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, Netherlands.
09.15Workshop from A to B at the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands. read/see more
09.14Auto, a triple-italic sans serif was released. A family of 3 x 24 fonts. read/see more
07.23Lecture at Typecon 2004, San Francisco, USA.
07.12Workshop Shut up and listen, San Francisco, USA. read/see more
07.09Lecture at Typo Tage, Leipzig, Germany.
06.12One day workshop Let it run, during Forum Typographie, Hannover, Germany. read/see more
06.11Lecture at Forum Typographie, Hannover, Germany.
06.10Lecture at Clubcraft, Hannover, Germany.
05.19Lecture at Typogravieh lebt - die MiniTYPO, Weimar, Germany.
05.13Lecture at Typo Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
05.13Launch of Typeradio.
05.11Lecture at Forum Laus, Barcelona, Spain.
03.28Type to the people. One evening of type, in Quarantine Amsterdam.
04.15Workshop Type & talk, Vienna, Austria. read/see more
03.23Lecture at the Sint Lukas academy of arts, Brussels, Belgium.
02.07Sami was a jury member for Vuoden Huiput 2003 competition in Finland.
01.20Lecture at EVTEK Institute of Art and Design, Vantaa, Finland.
03.12.08Shining type workshop in Rovaniemi, Finland. read/see more
11.07Lecture at the School of Art, Design & Printing in Dublin, Ireland.
11.06Lecture on the TypoDay in Dublin, an evening by the Designers Guild Ireland.
09.265 Pts., a new issue of Pts. magazine, is released, during the ATypI conference in Vancouver. read/see more
09.18Lecture at DesignFest, Brussels, Belgium.
07.20IndieFonts2, a compendium of digital type from independent type foundries, is published.
07.16Unibody, a font family for Flash has been released and can be downloaded for free. read/see more
05.19Type workshop in Tampere, Finland, started. read/see more
05.08Shop01 during DesignMai in Berlin, Germany, in collaboration with Redesigndeutschland.
04.07The stencil type workshop in Detroit started. read/see more
03.19underware.nl/site2 launched.
02.08CorelCup02, the official Dutch soccer tournament for designers. read/see more
02.07The results of the Finland workshop: 4 Pts. published. read/see more
02.07.13Lecture at the TypeCon conference, Toronto, Canada.
05.10The Secret Sauna Party in Berlin, Germany. read/see more
05.10“How to get rich with type design!”, round-table talk with Gerard Unger, at TypoBerlin, Berlin. Germany.
05.09Lecture Read naked at TypoBerlin, Berlin. Germany.
01.10.18Lecture at Zefir7, Den Haag, the Netherlands.
09.15The legendary Dolly party in Den Haag. read/see more