Is there something you only love, without hating it a little? Can you hate something completely, without any love? Can love exist without hate?
Exactly 100 years after Edgar Rubin created his famous Rubin’s vase – the godfather of all figure-ground illusions – this poster is published as a typographic tribute to the Danish professor of psychology. If cannot read anything, you still have a nice heart to look at. Silkscreen printed in a super bright red color, this übersized poster requires some empty wall space. Seriously, this poster is pretty big.
This poster is an example of a (typographic) figure-ground illusion. These kind of optical illusions have a long history, we didn’t invent the concept. Read more about these kind of optical illusions in Everything is black and white.
Sometimes our fonts are being used big and bigger. As type designers we create our work on computer screens, and therefore especially enjoy the large scale of some applications. This weekend Bello was used in a large banner at the Dutch football club FC Twente. It ain’t easy to be a fan of FC Twente at this moment. Although the football level radically collapsed this season at FC Twente, and the organisation is currently a disaster, the typographic taste of the fans still stands strong. (The fans of Twente are for example typographically known for their use of Roger Excoffon’s Banco typeface.) Culture in rough times. Our compliments!
We ♥ Twente!
Some stuff makes us sooooo happy. Ever since we released Tripper earlier this year, we have been playing around with real Tripper stencil sets ourselves. We decided to take them in production, so everybody can play around. Here it is: the let’s-not-fake-it-this-is-the-real-Tripper-stencil-set.
We know you’re sitting behind a computer screen now, and we know you are completely clean. Probably you are totally clean seven days a week, no? But look what can happen if you are willing to get your hands dirty. Go ahead, surprise your lover. Surprise your colleague. Surprise yourself.
Tripper stencil set
size: 120 x 140 mm
pieces: 36 (A-Z 0-9)
material: Sendzimir
price: €124,–
In case you want a sneak preview of our upcoming font release, catch us all three in Copenhagen next week at the We Love Graphic Design conference.
Saturday 3 October, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen.
Annie Atkins
Jean Jullien
Julie Katrine Andersen
See you there. More info: | Facebook
The fine folks of Brand New Conference went all the way for this year’s conference in New York. If you say: “we set our texts in Tripper and then cut them by hand, one by one, and manually spray those stencils”, then we say: “respect!” Boy, they didn’t stop halfway. They went the whole hog.
What they didn’t know: we’re currently producing real stencil sets of Tripper. It could have made their life a little easier. Visitors of the conference will be the first to experience the real Tripper stencil set. Take it home, and put it next to your bed. If you’re at the conference next week, keep your eyes open.
See more images of Brand New Conference 2015 at fonts in use.
We don’t like superlatives that much, but it’s hard to avoid them while receiving this present. Underware cut into stone.
This stone was cut by hand by Dennis Biemans of Studio Baak in the Netherlands. Besides of making furniture and interiors, stonecutting is one of Studio Baak’s favourite activities. Because Tripper became more or less their corporate font, they already applied the typeface throughout their studio. But what’s better than turning it into not so temporary? Something 3D not so temporary, of course.
What goes beyond “Thank You!“? Well, we’re… euhm, speechless. 2015 is already now perfect like it is.
If you are in the mood as much as Baak is, you cut your own name into stone too of course. Boy, they were lucky with only straight lines in the typeface.
In case you’re interested in receiving your own text cut into stone like this, just contact Studio Baak. They will be happy to help you further:
This one is for the Dutch only. Sorry. We wrote a short text on web typography, from obvious questions to often overlooked issues. Luckily the complete text is available online, so Google Translate yourself crazy.
Wat hebben Laurel & Hardy met regellengtes te maken? Hoe kan het dat microtypografie op het web vijf eeuwen achterloopt? Is er dan nog hoop? Jawel. Letterontwerper Bas Jacobs behandelt als een snelheidsduivel in vogelvlucht de belangrijkste elementen van typografie op het scherm, van welbekende inkoppertjes tot vaak over het hoofd geziene zaken.
Omdat de tekst het verschil aanhaalt tussen lezen van een scherm versus lezen van papier, is de tekst op beide media beschikbaar.
The making of Tripper: the story of an accident
This typeface came about by accident. It all started with an accident too, when Bas – unluckily – fell out of a tree. He was strapped to a stretcher and transported by ambulance to the hospital, where he heard the good news: it was ‘just’ a broken collarbone. Could have been worse. Unluckily for him, it was his right arm. Being right-handed and an avid sketch artist, well… it’s a disaster if you can’t use your favourite hand anymore.
Coming monday we will give a lecture at a seminar on the future of web typography. This seminar takes places at the Brakke Grond in Amsterdam. In our lecture ‘Web typography sounds good, but looks awful’ we will highlight some often overlooked elements of web typography. The unsurpassable Frederik Berlaen will also give a presentation, and you can do a crypto typeface game with the madmen of Autobahn. If you are Dutch, concerned about type, screens, interfaces and ergonomics & want to flex up your brains, come over. Organised and presented by Grrr, what else should we say? Be there or be square.
Monday 23 Feb, 20:30 o’clock
Beeldmakers #1; with Frederik Berlaen, Underware, Autobahn, Jort de Vries (Blendle)
Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond
Nes 45, 1012 KD Amsterdam
Entrance at door €7,– / Online €5,–
Please welcome Tripper. He is not that friend you want to marry and wake up next to every day. You don’t want to discuss your financials with him. No, Tripper is that friend you invite when you want a really good party, when you wanna have a good time, when you want to impress your neighbours or family. But hey, who doesn’t want to have a really good party every now and then?
Tripper, a set of rock-hard stencil fonts
Introduction offer
Buy Tripper and give a free license to your friend. Make somebody happy, for free. Double-dipper pleasure! (runs till 01 March 2015)
Tripper comes in several flavours. Next to the plain style, there is a rough version (with that random look), a reversed stencil style (with automatic borders), and the multi-coloured font (tricolor). If that ain’t enough, Tripper Ornaments offers enough to play around with for the rest of the year. Take the Tripper tour