We write 6 September 2019. Is there a better way to introduce grammatography than with an exhibition at Print gallery in Tokyo? Don’t think so. A small exhibition with big ideas, a small lecture and big guests, a small projection which fits Hiragana and Latin into a single variable letter and a big smoke machine. A big stop at our small Right To Write Tour 2019. Sounds by the Dutch artist Rob Bothoff, Liza Y, a single letter opening speech and good beer and good talks. What else should we say?
(More photos at this Flickr album)
We’ve just returned from our Right To Write Tour in Japan. Besides of an exhibition at Print Gallery in Tokyo, and a workshop at the Temple University in Tokyo, we gave 4 lectures in Tokyo and Osaka in which we presented grammatography, and introduced Grammato.com. Instant updates during the tour don’t happen on this blog, but on our Twitter or Instagram account. So follow those in case you want to see more snippets. However, for those who are curious to know more about grammatography, the video of our talk titled Grammatography at the ATypI conference in Tokyo is now online. Featuring live writing, as future is written. Enjoy! (ps. At the interpreter’s request we tried to speak slowly…)
Until now, every text has either been written by hand, or typeset with a font. With Grammato, we’re introducing a third approach, combining the best of both worlds: beautiful, infinitely smooth written text, where text keeps its semantics. Grammato is built on standard technologies, so it just works everywhere. Wherever you’ve only been using fonts, you can now use Grammato: in apps, social media, videos, interfaces, devices, operating systems, everywhere!
We’re extremely happy and excited to announce the introduction of grammatography with Grammato ▶▶▶ www.grammato.com
Get ready for grammatography in our Right To Write Tour. Next week we’ll have 4 lectures, a workshop and an exhibition in Japan. We don’t give workshops that often anymore these days, and an exhibition of our work is definitely rare. So feel free to drop by if you’re around Tokyo or Osaka.
2019.09.05 | Lecture Grammatography • ATypI • Tokyo • 18:30 |
2019.09.06 | Workshop Causal Writing • Temple University • Tokyo • 14:00 |
2019.09.07 | Lecture From Typography to Grammatography (English-Japanese translation) • Print Gallery • Tokyo • 15:00 |
2019.09.07 | Exhibition From Typography to Grammatography • Print Gallery • Tokyo • 6-8 september 2019 • Opening 7 september • 17:30 |
2019.09.08 | Lecture Page Not Found • Book & Design • Tokyo • 13:00 |
2019.09.10 | Lecture Right To Write • Enokojima • Osaka • 18:00 |
We would like to thank Gerry Leonidas & Ian Lynam, who enabled the events in Tokyo, and Duncan Brotherton & Tetsuya Goto, who enabled the lecture in Osaka.
The end of peninsularity – typeworkshop in Barcelona
The first week of July brings the opportunity to expand your skills and brains with a type design workshop in Barcelona. Type designers are masters of the black and white 2D universe. But what is that 2-dimensional Cartesian world actually? Can 2D be approached in another way? And if you do that, what are the consequences for your (type) design process? This subject is gonna be explored coming July in Barcelona (Spain) during a 5-day in-depth type workshop, where the fundament of designing letters will be questioned and investigated. This workshop is suitable for aspiring type designers who already have a little bit of experience, already made a font themselves in the past, and who are ready to open their mind and expand their skills within an enthusiastic group of people. They will leave the workshop not only with more knowledge, but also with an expanded view on their own type design process.
Only recently it has become clear that from now on type designers aren’t any longer just designing outlines of fonts, but are mostly designing relations between outlines of fonts. Therefore interpolation will become increasingly relevant in the future of type design, and will logically be an essential aspect within this workshop. During this workshop we’re not only going to explore the design of letters (hands-on), but also explore the space in which those letters relate to each other (brains-on). Designing the design, as well as designing the design space these designs live in. And that – well… if everything works out – leads to another, innovative way of looking at your design.
Improve your type design skills in Barcelona this summer
Organisation: Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering
Date: 1-5 July 2019
Instructors: Joancarles Casasín (TypeTogether) & Bas Jacobs (Underware)
Limited amount of seats available. Registration is now open: type.elisava.net
Tomorrow the 2-day conference Printemps de la typographie will take off in Paris. This is the 10th edition, organised by École Estienne, featuring 14 lectures in just 2 days. Our most recent lecture “The end of self-evidence” has evolved, and so has the accompanying publication (which will be free for all attendants). Both will be presented in Paris coming Friday, so we hope to see you there. You can find more information about the conference on the website of École Estienne: ecole-estienne.paris
After presenting the basics of HOI (Higher Order Interpolation) earlier this year at the TYPO Labs conference in Berlin, we’re making a tour this summer to spread HOI around the world. Come and say HOI.
HOI Portland, 4th of August
HOI for beginners. In a very condensed session at TypeCon in Portland, we’ll show the basics of HOI, what HOI can mean for you, and why your text isn’t HOI enough. typecon.com
HOI Los Angeles, 7th of August
We’re gonna HOI the Otis College of Art and Design in this lecture. Also: ask us anything, we’ll HOI it out together. otis.edu
HOI San Francisco, 9th of August
Live at the Letterform Archive in San Francisco, we’ll answer questions but we’ll also have questions in return; if variable fonts are very able fonts; if new techniques require new ideas; if fonts really need all those letters; and of course: how HOI can you be? letterformarchive.org
HOI Antwerp, 11-15 September
At ATypI 2018 we’re gonna clarify once and for all misconceptions on HOI, and show what HOI really is. Say a Flemish HOI and join us in Antwerp, Belgium. atypi.org
Two new, very able, fonts!
The variable font format offers new typographic possibilities for type designers. Instead of creating separate static fonts, font families can be combined into a single font file for example. But this new font format has much more to offer. Type designers can also design typefaces specifically for this new format. New ideas for new technologies, instead of old ideas wrapped into those new technologies.
Our most recent font family Duos was already a technological tour de force, but is now expanded with 2 progressive variable versions.
If you’re into type, you probably have heard the new buzzword recently: variable fonts. Everybody is talking about, some people are doing it. So are we.
But the more we get involved in making variable fonts, the more questions come to our minds. What is actually a variable font? We mean, really is? And what does it really mean? The most obvious application of the variable font technique is the weight-axis. Putting all fonts from Light to Black into 1 single variable font is something everybody can imagine, and maybe therefore also the thing everybody does. But isn’t that the same as using the marquee tag –which everybody did– in the early days of the internet? Don’t we realize by now that the internet is something else? Isn’t the Light-to-Black slider the same as the blinking marquee tag for typography in 2018?
So before we accept that this is what variable fonts are about, we should wonder what other possibilities this new font format offers. This is the moment to ask fundamental questions. Maybe this font format is actually something completely different? Maybe you can put all existing fonts into a single variable font? Maybe you don’t need all those separate glyphs, because one glyph can vary into any other glyph? Maybe you can have a legibility slider, or one from Braille to Latin? And maybe the question is not how to make variable fonts, but how to make fonts variable? And shouldn’t the interface be part of a typeface instead of depending on what an application offers or supports in its interface? Variable fonts are vari-able-fonts, so very able fonts. But what are they really capable of? Maybe the variable font format is a beginning of a new era in digital typography, where the letter is finally freed from its historical limitations? And what does it mean when information becomes dynamic at the level of the written word?
Enough questions to launch our own playground for variable fonts, which will be as much in development as the variable fonts themselves: very-able-fonts.com
Written words always exist within the three dimensions of the maker (the type designer), the user (the designer) and the consumer (the reader). But what does it mean to be a type-maker, -user or -consumer? How is language working anyway? Together with Dutch composer Jacq Palinckx and writer Kees ’t Hart, we investigated into an expanded understanding of typography. Attendees of our lecture at the TYPO Berlin conference last Saturday, could afterwards continue to observe language with the publication The Tail of the Cat.