22 september 2010 — fonts in use
Sleep with Bello. Or Sauna. Or both.

Since we found out who Tanja is, we also found that Tanja really likes Bello and Sauna. The good news: handcrafted typographic products are available to everybody. Custom made if you want.
If you also like Bello and Sauna that much, and wanna take one of them to bed (or both!) or have them in your pocket 24/7, then you can order typographic pillows, shoulder bags, seating furniture, pot holders and keychains at www.tuepo.de.
21 september 2010 — fonts in use
Dear Tanja

Dear Tanja,

thanks a lot for the nice package which came by mail recently. What a nice surprise! We didn’t expect anything, and definitely not something like this at all. Three big letter-pillows: B, A and S. Very nicely made with Bello Caps. Wow. We’re flattered of course, but also confused. First of all, you included a hand written letter which was only signed with your first name: Tanja. Second, you didn’t leave any contact details. What is this? Who are you? Why such a nice gift? Why the mystery?

Is it a secret admiration of B(as), A(kiem) and S(ami)? Or do you just only adore Bas? Should we get worried? If you’re not 18 yet: does your mother know you’re sending nice surprises to strange men? If you’re 18+: next time include bikini-pics!

Or could you put our imagination to a hold and tell us who you are?
lots of love,

> update: Tanja has been traced. We love you too!

14 september 2010 — walhalla
Sing the Typeradio mantra

Link: Sing the Typeradio mantra

Sing along with the Typeradio choir. Sing Lorem Ipsum & the Typeradio mantra. Sing along!

10 september 2010 — publications
We love shop windows 4

Book of war, mortification and love at Nijhof & van Lee, Amsterdam

Being the epicenter of graphic design in Amsterdam, Nijhof & Lee is a bookstore you have to see while visiting Amsterdam. Feel and smell the love for books.

09 september 2010 — publications
We love shop windows 3

Book of war, mortification and love at van Stockum, Den Haag

Bookstore van Stockum is one of those bookshops which is always very eager to nicely present their books, which means our books as well. You might remember them from the extreme sauna book testing. Being close to central station in Den Haag, their window has lots of visibility for passersby. Mr. Linssen is watching you.

06 september 2010 — offtrack
Poldercup – the movie

Poldercup, the movie. For those who don’t speak Dutch: a goal isn’t really a goal if you didn’t first dragged a women, a girl or a lady into the water. Men say.

05 september 2010 — offtrack

We love football. We love subcultures. Sometimes these two meet, for example when Pied La Biche organises three-sided football, invented by the Danish artist Asger Jorn. Not extreme enough? Try swamp soccer, once made up by Esa Romppainen. And again another fascinating variation is blind football.

Recently our love for football and subcultures perfectly came together at the Poldercup. Football on a Dutch meadow with ditches and channels crossing the pitch. Scenery: cows, clouds, windmills, church towers. The pitch remained a battlefield, the water an extra opponent challenge as leaping ditches wasn’t allowed.

Where the crossing of channels should have forced teams to come up with new tactics for playing football, everybody was just struggling with the muddy grass-plot. That became a welcome excuse for not being able to do our Aurelio-tricks. Quote we heard after another failed shot: “my right leg had a perfect shot, all went fine, should have been a goal. The problem was my left leg, that got simultaneously stuck in the mud”.

Doesn’t matter we got kicked out in the semi-final, doesn’t matter Bas got a light concussion, doesn’t matter there were as much cameras as players, it was a beautiful day. Thank you Maider López, we love the horizon as much as you do.

05 may 2010 — publications
Oscillator revisited

From: Lernplakate | Christian Büning
Date: May 5, 2010 10:08:43 AM GMT+02:00
To: Underware Office
Subject: Re: Yes/no

Dear Underware Guys,

Thank you very much for this great poster and also for shipping it twice.

I modified it a bit to make the »Yes« more legible by adding a little pink area to the o/e (and created a counter). In my eyes, it works better now. My office partners are of the same opinion. Included is a photo… what do you think?

Kind Regards from Münster in Germany,

24 april 2010 — tattoo
This too shall pass

Hi Underware, thank you so much for my amazing tattoo design! I absolutely adore it – and the guys at the tattoo place loved it too! The tattoo covers a scar that held bad memories for me. Whenever I looked at the scar, I felt sad and was reminded of bad times. Now, I see words that give me hope and make me smile. It took me a long time to find the right words for my tattoo, but as soon as I read the following passage I knew instantly they were perfect:

And so finally after many more months of work,
all the sages came back to him,
and they had come to a unanimous conclusion that
the wisdom of the world could be put into a four-word sentence.
They told the king that this sentence expresses much.
It is chastening in the hour of pride
and consoling in the depths of afflictions.
The sentence of their wisdom was:
‘This too shall pass’

XXX Sarah Blake

09 april 2010 — presentations
Why D-I-Y if you can D-I-T?

Why D-I-Y if you can D-I-T?
lecture by Underware on self-publishing
Friday 16 April 2010, 16.20 o’clock
OK Festival Arnhem, the Netherlands

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