24 january 2012 — fonts in use
Fonts in the parallel world

Nice way to waste our time: spotting our fonts in the parallel world of Google’s Streetview. Where fonts live somewhere between eternal and ephemeral. Already gone in the real world, still alive in this period piece. Or sometimes the other way around.



20 december 2011 — walhalla
Free proto shirt

Wanna impress your friends at the next party with this proto shirt? Helsinki is World Design Capital 2012. Sami made them a shirt.


We gonna give away some shirts. 100% free. 100% XXXXXL. If you wanna have this shirt, let us know why by mail (before 31 Dec). Best answers win.

10 november 2011 — walhalla
Je t’aime beaucoup

Hello theeere! :)

I’ve just received my brand new 8 faces magazine, and im very pleasant to announce that i got the best possible combination for the “Je t’aime” in Liza.


I believe I need to send you guys my flyer, right?

Will it be delivery anywhere? Even in Brazil? :O

I couldn’t tell you guys how excited i’m. :D



10 november 2011 — walhalla
Je t’aime un peu plus

The 3rd issue of 8Faces included a typographic lottery. Two-bloody-thousand different Je t’aime cards have been spread, only one is perfect. Win, win win. Since then the Twitters was on the go. But despite all twitpics, instagrams, flickrs, yfrogs and picless tweets, the winner hasn’t reported himself yet.


There seem to have been some distribution problems with the magazine, maybe the golden ticket is firmly lost at the office of a Brazilian postman? Caramba. Does that man actually know the golden ticket yields a bottle of champagne?


07 november 2011 — fonts in use
Always keep your underwear clean

Fairly regular an example of our fonts in real life situations ends up in our mailbox, which we really appreciate. Keep sending us those photos! Most likely such an example ends up at our fonts in use section. But with this one we had some internal controversy. ‘Come on guys, this is just too silly’. ‘Don’t think so, it’s a real-life example with an extra, subtle layer for connoisseurs’. ‘No, we would make a fool or ourselves by adding this as a fonts in use example. How low can we go?’ So we killed the discussion and decided not to add this nice use of Sauna as a fonts in use example.


But hey, we didn’t discuss the blog, did we?

Underware hates Halloween

Being European, we will never understand Halloween, that stupid party. Although it remains an – inescapable – American event, we wouldn’t consider a book printed with blood a true Halloween-like publication.

Probably dressed up dogs are much more suitable for Halloween, right? But our favourite typographic Halloween creation is made by André Mora, who spend some hours with his pumpkin to cut the Yes/No oscillator out.

Unfortunately you can’t even eat this, so we’ll skip Halloween and wait for typographic Sinterklaas creations instead. Yummie.

05 october 2011 — walhalla
Kun jij dit lezen?

[iframe /_modules/ajax-poll/_poll1.php 640 220]

The latest issue of Publish magazine does not only contain a main article about Underware, we also made a new oscillator for their cover. After creating an oscillator in the past which can be read as Yes and/or No, we created another oscillator for this special typographic issue with the same words in Dutch, Ja and/or Nee. Kun jij dit lezen?


Next step is of course French: Oui/Non. Spanish: Sí/No. Or  worse, Finnish: Kyllä/Ei. Now that’s a challenge!

15 september 2011 — walhalla
Dolly turns 10

Hubba-hubba, today it’s exactly 10 years since we released our first typeface. Our website was pre-1.0, we still had a fax, we played music on CD’s, were super happy with our 4GB mega-sized external hard disk, none of us was balding.


Dolly. Introduced with a party-hardy, she steadily grows to become a stayer in the world of book typography. Instead of giving Dolly her own Twitter-account for her birthday, we promised her some extra weights and styles. Makes her much happier. Still some patience needed before her makeover is finished though…


For hardcore Dolly-lovers: here are some Dolly illustrations from our grubby archives.

12 september 2011 — walhalla
Alles gegeben

Some months ago we offered our mailing list five free rings (worth 200 Euro each). Because we’d just hooked up with Typerings, anybody could win a free ‘alles geben’ ring. The only thing you had to do was telling us what ‘alles geben’ truly means to you. Simple.


06 september 2011 — offtrack
CorelCup 3.0

During the Now we are talking Festival the third edition of the CorelCup took place, the one and only football tournament for Dutch Designers (edition 01 & 02). Because of the beautiful weather it was the first time that it took place in the open air. Maybe we can blame the surface at the beachside of Scheveningen, but the average level was disgraceful by any standard. Luckily all participants perfectly understood that the CorelCup is not about winning. It’s about style. It’s the perfect opportunity to gain and loose respect. #winning was definitely not a trending topic at the CorelCup.


The final between team “Ampersand” and team “Weet Ik Veel” was miserably won by team “Ampersand” through very effective defensive football & masculine counters: 6-2. Clear numbers. Lousy style.


Winners of the CorelCup 3.0

Team Ampersand (Bart-Jan Verhoef, Jan-Paul Koudstaal & Res Zangger). They have won the petty challenge trophy, and are invited to defend the trophy at the fourth edition of the CorelCup.



Consolation prizes:


Category Best Bicycle Kick*:

Team Pilsner (captain Ozhan Ates)


Category Best Gallery Play*:

Team Weet Ik Veel (captain Lukas van Buuren)


The consolation prize is a unique, 100% legal software package called CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5*. Both these teams are invited to design the poster and announcements for the next CorelCup with their new software package. Can’t wait to see what you can make with this €700-package. Remember, it’s all about style.

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