Do you offer your fonts as webfonts?
Yep, on our website we offer all our fonts as webfonts (for self-hosting), just check the
Buying webfonts at our site means you get the fonts (in all necessary font formats) together with some very simple instructions how to make fonts at work on your website.
Our webfonts are offered for a one-time fee, which means you don’t have any additional financial obligations in the future. No subscription costs, this keeps your expenses uncomplicated.
How do I choose between self hosting or a hosted service?
We offer webfonts for self-hosting, so that you’re always in full control. Sometimes people require hosted webfonts, which means our fonts are not located on your own server, but on an external server controlled by another company. One isn’t necessarily better than the other one, it’s just what you prefer yourself.
Self-hosted fonts
Most people want to have 100% server uptime and full control on their data, and want to host their webfonts themselves together with the rest of their website data. They also don’t have any additional financial obligations in the future, as we offer our webfonts with one-time fee. Simple.
Buy webfonts in our webshop
Hosted service
Sometimes there might be limitations, for example when you don’t have the possibility to upload fonts to your own server. For those cases our fonts are available as hosted webfonts for a small, but annual fee at TypeNetwork.
Get hosted webfonts at Type Network
Geeh, isn’t self-hosting complicated?
No, not at all. Self-hostable webfonts are exactly as easy as a hosted service. You’ll get exactly the same fonts together with a piece of code. Put the fonts on your server, copy-paste the code in your CSS, and off you go. You don't need extra technical skills for self-hosting compared to a hosted-service.
Note: our self-hosted fonts have a perpetual license, so you don’t need to worry about the future of your webfont service.
Installing Webfonts for Dummies
In case you never did this before, this is a very simple, basic start.
1) Upload your webfonts
Upload the webfonts (which you downloaded from via FTP to your server. This folder should contain all 4 font formats (.eot, .ttf, .woff, .svg) for every font. Upload them in the same directory as your CSS.
2) Include the font files via CSS
The package you downloaded from includes a _UnderwareWebfontsKit.css file. Copy-paste that complete text into your own CSS, or link the file by adding this line of code to the header of your html file.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_UnderwareWebfontsKit.css">
3) Start using the font
You can now add the font to any element in your CSS, or use it directly on your website.
.yourclass {
font-family: 'MyWebFontPro-Light';
...<span class='MyWebFontPro-Light'>some text</span>...
I might actually prefer a hosted service. Possible?
Sure. In case you want to use our fonts with a webfont service, check
Type Network.
Can I use a third-party tool to convert your desktop fonts into webfont formats?
Hell no, this is strictly forbidden. Besides, we’ve already spend years researching and creating the best possible webfonts, why would you?
Which font formats do you deliver for webfonts?
Currently you’ll get .eot, .woff, .woff2, .ttf and .svg files. This might change in the future once there is less need for some formats. Eventually the .woff format will likely be the only available webfont format, and will hopefully be supported everywhere.
But there are still some old browsers around:
Which browser uses which format?
WOFF will eventually be the standard format for webfonts. Because old browsers are still around, here is a legacy overview:
iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Which syntax do you use for your webfonts?
The webfont kits provided by Underware currently come with this CSS syntax:
@font-face {
font-family: 'MyFamily';
src:url('font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('font.woff') format('woff'),
url('font.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('font.svg#svgName') format('svg');
I need the desktop fonts to design my website. Can you please send them?
While ordering the web license you’ll only receive fonts which work on the web, they cannot be installed a desktop computer. For creating Photoshop mock-ups of your website, you’ll need to obtain a separate desktop license. Very simple: webfonts are for web, desktop fonts to install locally on your computer. But don’t worry: both desktop as well as webfonts are attractively priced, costs can’t be the reason not to walk this path. We think that completely separating the desktop and webfont license is the best and most honest solution for anybody. No expensive all-use-bundles, only pay what you use.
What is included when I buy webfonts?
If you buy webfonts through our webshop, you’ll receive an email with a download link. This links to your order-page where you can:
• download your fonts
• download your invoice
• download your license
• link to a free Typekit-voucher (activating the fonts on Typekit = optionally)
• download goodies (for example PDF’s)
• view your order history
The downloaded font package contains:
• Every font you bought in 5 different formats (.eot, .svg, .ttf, .woff, woff2)
• _UnderwareWebfontsKit.css
• demopage.html

Select one of the 35 languages to quickly preview the font in a browser with this demo file.
What is the difference between webfonts and @font-face?
Mostly you’ll read and hear about “webfonts”, but sometimes you’ll also read “@font-face” (-display). In case you wonder what the difference is: basically nothing. They are the same thing. “@font-face” is just the technical correct term for webfonts, so in license agreements this term is likely mentioned. This term is the name of the declaration used in the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which defines how to display HTML elements. But when humans talk, they usually don't talk about “@font-face”, but mostly just name it “webfonts”.