We’re happy to announce that yesterday Underware joined Type Network, a group of independent type foundries and individual type designers. Let us explain why we think this is a good idea. The type world changed a lot in the past decade, and joining forces with kindred spirits is a good push in the right direction. For example, currently it ain’t always easy for some designers and other font users to find the right typeface. Not everybody takes the time to follow all font releases, make a list of personal favourite font foundries, or invest lots of time in selecting the right typeface for each project. And that ain’t always easy. It’s a jungle out there. Type Network can help to clear to that path. Visit one place, and find a limited selection of fonts, but with a range wide enough to meet the most versatile demands. We’re in great company at Type Network, the wheat is separated from the chaff, so you don’t have to worry to buy a pig in a poke. Besides, we know many of the people in and behind Type Network for many years, and they are good people. Or as the Dutch say “goed volk”. And for many more reasons we’re excited for this new adventure.